Helping Kids, Families, Adults & LGBTQ with Care for Over 25 Years

Michelle Topal MSW, LCSW

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Groups for LGBTQ Young People & Adults

Coming Soon!

This fall I will be starting a small support group for young people ages 14-18 who identify as LGBT or have questions about sexual identity (the "Q" in LGBTQ).  I want to give young people a safe, supportive environment to explore who they are & what this might mean to them & the choices they make.  With over 25 years of working with teens, & education & experience working with sexual identity issues, the group will address the developmental needs of these young people.

I will also be doing an adult group this fall, to be co-facilitated by a local pastoral counselor who has years of experience working with issues of faith & the gay community.  This group will offer a supportive environment for adults to explore their sexual identity & figure out what this means in their adult lives.  For those who have issues of faith, this will also be a non-judgmental group to explore these questions. 

Some of the issues these groups might address:
  • Who am I - label, behavior & feelings & what does it all mean & how do I make sense of it all
  • Coming out issues - when, who, when & how
  • What does this mean or not mean in terms of my life & relationships
  • What does my faith say about who I am/my behavior & how can I integrate all aspects of my life
  • Issues of discrimination - how do I not let this impact how I feel about myself

If you would like to get more information, don't hesitate to contact me at 919/360-1929 or at  I would be happy to talk with you about how these groups might be helpful.